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An Overview of Presentation Box Structures

To give you an overview of the standard box structures that we offer, Kristin created a video which will introduce you to the 5 basic presentation box structures that you can customize and order through our website. You can view the video on our YouTube channel here:

The 5 box structures that she covers are the Notched Clamshell Box, The Basic Clamshell Box, The Notched Half Clamshell Box, The Half Clamshell Box and finally the Slipcase.  In the video she will show you the 5 structures and explain the difference between them so that you can decide which best suits your project. We hope that you find the video helpful. Keep in mind that all of the boxes and portfolios that we build are handmade and custom made to order so the possibilities are endless. You can see many of the custom boxes that we’ve made over the years in the Gallery of Past Projects .  As always we are here to answer your questions and to help you navigate the challenge of designing a custom presentation box and/or portfolio so please reach out vie email or phone.